Prepaid hours voucher in TimeGuru

Overview of prepaid hours vouchers
Using TimeGuru projects for hour vouchers is useful if you sell prepaid hours and need to follow consumption until empty. Read More
Using TimeGuru projects for hour vouchers is useful if you sell prepaid hours and need to follow consumption until empty. Read More
Project groups is used for gathering projects or project hierarchies across the system. You can use this if you for example wish to have an overview of projects of a certain type, across customers, project leaders or other dimensions.
Projects are used for planning, registrations, invoices and economy follow-up. Build project hierarchies with optional depth, by attaching projects to a main project. Use project groups to gather projects and project hierarchies across other dimensions. You can deactivate the project module, if you wish to start up with a simple planning and registering. (It can always be activated in the settings if the need occurs).