Video: Edit a user

When a user accepts the invitation for the company’s TimeGuru system, he/she will be visible in the user list. As an administrator, you have access to the company specific information. For example when leave and flextime is calculated from, access level and department.

See video: Edit a user



Video: Create an activity

This video will show you how to create activities for time registration. Activities is often used for internal registration or for registration on customers and/or project where you want to differ between the type of work. Cost elements with “cost price”, “sales price” and “valid from date” can be attached to activities for invoices and economy reports.

For example, a revision company could divide their activities into bookkeeping for a specific hourly wage and revision for another hourly wage. Then when the monthly invoicing for the customer comes around, you can create invoice lines respectively for bookkeeping and revision. The system will already know the prices. Price regulations are made on attached cost elements and will automatically take over on the selected date.

See video: Create an activity

Video: Time Tracking

With the smart worksheet you can easily get an overview of the week, regardless if you use pc, tablet or mobile. The time registration can be used simple for flextime and leave, or more advanced for project management and invoices. You can attach a cost and sales price on multiple levels and price regulation is conducted central. It will replace the old price from the selected date in the entire system. Compare actual time with planned time for ongoing optimisation of the company’s performance.

See video: Time registration


Video: Create an expense

Here you can see how easy it is to register expenses and attach invoices in the worksheet. Expenses are often used if you have paid privately and you need to get the amount disbursed, or if you have a company credit card. It is also possible to select, if it is a customer who needs to pay for the expense.

See video: Create an expense

Video: Photo registration

With photo registration you can add photos to your work. You can use photos to show progress in projects or for quality assurance (before/After) and much more. Photos gives the timeline-reports a little spice, that makes it exciting for your colleagues and leaders to follow up on the project. Through the timeline, it is also possible to follow activities across the system or for each of the projects, customers and employees etc. Photo registration is available via the device’s camera or upload from the photo card-index.

See video: Photo registration in the worksheet 

Video: Create a project

Projects are used for planning, registrations, invoices and economy follow-up. Build project hierarchies with optional depth, by attaching projects to a main project. Use project groups to gather projects and project hierarchies across other dimensions. You can deactivate the project module, if you wish to start up with a simple planning and registering. (It can always be activated in the settings if the need occurs).

See video: Create a project

Video: Create a customer

Create customers to use in customer – and project management, planning, time registration, invoice and reports. You can time register directly for a customer or you can attach projects to customers for further division.

See video: Create a customer

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