Christmas update with plenty of gifts!

Dear TimeGuru customer.
First we would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. We are humble and proud that so many companies have chosen TimeGuru time registration in the past year.
We have listened to your wishes and created a Christmas update with a lot of new functions that we hope you will enjoy.
New for users
- Pre-filled time registration with personal standard choices (see the guide).
- Remove Saturday and Sunday from the worksheet.
- Optional division of graph with colours in the worksheet and dashboard by customer, project or activity.
- Pre-filled license plate when registering mileage.
New in vacation planning and time registration
- Employees can request vacation directly in their dashboard.
- Leader can approve vacation requests directly in their dashboard.
- Prospective/planned vacation will be added to the employees’ leave statistics.
- Automatic booking and completion of vacation in the worksheet.
- Monthly overview of planned vacation in a printable format.
- Leave registration limited to half and whole days.
Customers, projects, and activities
- Creation of customer with Google or CVR-register search.
- Quick editing of clients and project directly in the lists.
- Separate activities that may be used for time registration, mileage and expenses.
New standard integrations to payroll-systems
- Visma bluegarden
- Dataløn
- Danløn
- Lessor løn
- KMD tidsadmin
New modules and updates
- Customer management that supports a continuous dialogue and development of customer relations.
- Topic generation with optional sales process and access to market data.
- Project reports with many details across customers, groups, employees and so on.
If you wish to know more about the many new functions in TimeGuru, you are welcome to contact us (see contact information at the top of the page).