Extra fees and overtime for Time Tracking

Extra fees and overtime for Time Tracking

Extra fees and overtime for Time Tracking

Fees & overtime module in TimeGuru PRO

It has never been easier to manage payroll, overtime, fees and time tracking. With this module you get full flexibility in setup and easy input on mobile, tablet and PC.

And we have already made integrations for your preferred payroll system.

General information about payroll

The setup can be fully customised to each user or user group. But it can also be set up generically at corporate level. In other words, your colleagues will only get access to relevant fees and time tracking for payroll. We have listed some of the most important features:

  • Allow payroll fees only for selected activities and users.
  • Add payroll fee to time tracking simply by checking a checkbox.
  • Calculate payroll fee based on work time, fixed amount or user input.
  • Limit availability to certain weekdays and time of day.
  • Fully automatic overtime calculation based on total work time or time of the day.
  • Integration to popular payroll and finance systems.

All setups of payroll can be combined to fit your company’s needs and agreement(s).

Fees and overtime setup examples:

Click to go to an example that is relevant to your company:

Example: Monthly paid with overtime pay
Example: Monthly paid employee who save overtime for time off
Example: By the hour with timed and fixed payroll.

You can also read the full walk-through of time tracking.

Monthly paid with overtime pay

  • 50% payroll fee for agreed overtime on weekdays
  • 100% payroll fee on agreed overtime on weekends

First we will try the setup of an activity for agreed overtime. Afterwards we will setup payroll so that it only can be selected for relevant days. Meaning 50% on weekdays and 100% on weekends. Finally we will show an example of time tracking with overtime.

Go to menu: Administration -> Activities and click “Create new”. Fill out as shown below and save the activity.


You can also select activity members if you want to limit access to specific employees or groups.

Please notice: There is a difference between the overtime being paid out with salary or if it is used to earn time off. Optionally with time factor. The system can do both, but this example will show payroll for payout. Therefore, the activity will be set up to “exclude from flextime balance.”

Now go to setup of the user’s payroll using the menu: Administration -> Users and click on “Payroll extra fees” in the top right corner. Now you will see the list over payroll fees. Click “create new”.

Now set up your 50% payroll fee as shown below:

Please notice: You can select all of the activities and weekdays that suits your company. And you can limit the use of the payroll fee to specific time spans or for example hours exceeding normal work time. These functions are suited for automatic calculation of overtime.

Click Save and fill out the rate as shown:

Now save your current rate.

Please notice: It is possible to set a price/rate for the fee. Typically these rates will already exist in your payroll system though. If so, It will not be necessary to fill in price information in your TimeGuru system.

Now go back to the list over payroll fees and create a 100% payroll fee. The name is what your colleagues will see while adding fees to time tracking. And the export name is used for export to the payroll system and can vary.

Now you have created your first payroll fees. Go to the worksheet and click +Time to see the result. When you select the activity “Agreed overtime” you will see the fee options. Notice that the 50% payroll can only be used on normal work days and the 100% payroll can only be used on weekends, if you remembered to select weekdays during the setup 🙂

When you save, it will look like this in the worksheet:

Also try to register agreed overtime on a weekend.

When the employee has registered a fee, it will be included in the data export to your payroll system and other reports.

Monthly paid employee who save overtime for time off

If you want to save your overtime for time off, the setup is incredibly easy. Simply make sure that the activity that you use is set to the type “normal”. Optionally add a time span or other rules. The example below shows the setup of an activity that saves 1.5 hours time off for each overtime working hour. You can try to create an activity from the menu administration -> Activities and click “Create new.

Now go to your dashboard and note your current flextime balance. Go to the worksheet and click +Time to register for example 2 hours on the activity “Overtime 50% for flex.” Now return to your dashboard and confirm that you have now earned another 3 hours for time off (2 working hours x factor 1,5).

You can of course create several different fees and set up specific rules for each. 

By the hour with “follow time” and “fixed fee” payout:

In this example, the following terms apply for employees who are paid by the hour:

  • Fixed work time from 7:00 to 15:00 (including breaks)
  • 150% is earned the following 2 hours after normal working hours (15 – 17).
  • 200% is earned from 2 hours after normal working hours and for the rest of the day (17 – end)

Now we will show the setup of 150% overtime fee. Go to Menu -> Administration -> Users and click on “Payroll fees” in the top right corner. Now you will see the list of fees. Click “Create new” to create a new fee.

Now fill out the form for a 150% overtime fee. In this case, we allow the fee to be used on the activity named “Workshop” all work days (excluding weekends). You’ve probably set up your own activities and know what’s best for your company. Typically, your payroll system will know the hourly rate, so it is often not necessary to fill in this information. But we will do it for the sake of this example.

Click “Create” and fill out the pricing information:

Click “Create” to save the price.

If you don’t have a TimeGuru PRO system already, you can check out the pricing and create a new system here.