Deletion of TimeGuru FREE systems and users

We automatically delete user and system data after 3 months idle time. Should you wish to delete your user data immediately, please contact TimeGuru using the email Remember to tell us your TimeGuru username and/or system name.

Want to end a paid subscription of TimeGuru PRO?

A TimeGuru system has to be put into FREE subscription mode, before we can delete it automatically. To do this, please do the following:

  1. Log in to your TimeGuru PRO system
  2. Go to Menu > Settings > Subscription
  3. Update the subscription to TimeGuru FREE
  4. Now log out and we will automatically delete your system after 3 months

If you have used a third party login provider, like Facebook, Google or Microsoft and want to remove the link between the provider and TimeGuru, please follow the instructions from providers website:

